If using insurance, your deductible may apply to the procedure. To find out, please call the number on the back of your insurance card and speak to a representative at your insurance company. The CPT Code is 55250. If your deductible applies, generally you can expect your to be $700 to $800 (please note, this does not include pathology analysis or post-vasectomy semen analysis, both of which may also apply to your deductible).
Additionally, please note the following:
- Medicare does not cover vasectomies
- MassHealth requires a waiting period of 30 days between the consultation and the procedure
- Some employers exclude birth control, including vasectomies, from their policies
If you do not have insurance, you can self-pay for the procedure.
Pre-Operative Guidelines
Before The Procedure
- Avoid NSAIDs
- Plan ahead for sedation in needed
- Notify the office at least one week prior if you require a prescription of valium
- Nitrous oxide is not covered by insurance
Day of the Procedure
- Shave the front of your scrotum
- Have a regular meal before the procedure
Recovery Information
After the procedure it’s important to know that you are still fertile right after the procedure. The vasectomy is not considered effective until its been confirmed no sperm is longer present in the semen. It’s also important to not have sex until the Doctor has specified that it’s safe to do so. Expect to wait 8-10 weeks for a vasectomy to become effective, but can change depending on the patient.
Please follow the following instructions after the vasectomy procedure:
- Apply ice for the first 48 hours: 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off
- Rest with no physical activity or work for the next 48 hours
- Do not take a bath in a tub, swim or go in a jacuzzi, sauna, or steam room for 14 days
- Do not go to the gym or lift anything heavier than 10 pounds for 7 days
- Wear tight, supportive briefs or underwear. We Europeans style for 7 days
- No ejaculation for 5 days or until the Doctor has specified
- Do not take any NSAIDS for 5 days after the procedure